If you could wave a magic wand and resculpt those hard-to-tone areas of your body, your clothes would fit better and you’d finally see the slimmer body you were always meant to have. It’s not magic or a wand, but SculpSure® body contouring treatment works like a charm to reduce and reshape areas of stubborn fat. Dr. John Macey, an award-winning OB/GYN with a compassionate demeanor, discusses three benefits of choosing SculpSure over liposuction so you can easily and nonsurgically get the results you desire.

SculpSure is noninvasive and nonsurgical so it’s safe — and there’s no downtime!

One of the biggest advantages of choosing SculpSure over liposuction is that it’s nonsurgical and noninvasive. Any time you can get amazing results from a procedure that doesn’t require you to go under the knife, it’s a good thing. SculpSure uses thermal energy to destroy fat cells, so it doesn’t interrupt healthy tissue or damage your skin.

Liposuction, on the other hand, is major surgery. As with any major surgery, it comes with the risk of complications like infection, bleeding, or a reaction to the anesthesia. Other risks associated with liposuction include:

  • Irregular contours as a result of uneven fat removal or damage from the cannula (the tube-like instrument used)
  • Areas of numbness
  • Skin irritations
  • Fluid retention

With SculpSure, you won’t have to worry about any of these potentially serious side effects, or a lengthy recovery time. Your skin may be a little red after a SculpSure session, as if you have a mild sunburn, but that typically resolves on its own in a matter of hours. Most patients return to their daily activities after a SculpSure laser treatment without downtime.

With SculpSure, there are no special preparations needed

Before liposuction, you have to follow your doctor’s orders about when to stop taking certain medications, and you’ll most likely have to fast from solid food before surgery. Furthermore, depending on where on your body you’re having liposuction, such as your abdomen or thighs, you may need to stay overnight in the hospital until you’re well enough to go home.

Depending on the size of the treatment area, liposuction can take a few hours to complete, and afterward, you’ll be bandaged and wrapped in compression garments to minimize pain and swelling. It may be a few weeks before you’re allowed to resume normal activities and your daily routine.

With SculpSure, however, each treatment takes under 30 minutes per area, and you can treat several areas at the same time — like your belly and love handles — to make the most of your office visit. You don’t have to fast before your procedure although, to minimize any chance of bruising, Dr. Macey may recommend that you don’t take any kind of blood thinners or painkillers.

Permanent fat reduction, less investment

On average, SculpSure treatments are nearly half of the price of liposuction. After all, liposuction requires either a local or general anesthetic and a potential hospital stay, and it’s not typically covered by insurance if you’re having it done as an elective cosmetic procedure. SculpSure delivers permanent results for a fraction of the cost without anesthetic or a hospital room.

After the SculpSure laser energy melts your fat cells, your body eliminates them over the next few weeks through your lymphatic system. Once fat cells are gone in an area under your chin, or from your thighs — or any other treated area — they don’t regenerate.

Typically, by the time you’re an adult, you have a stabilized number of fat cells. SculpSure is an effective, permanent way to eliminate up to 24% of them from a specific area of your body that isn’t responding to diet and exercise. Many women and men believe SculpSure is money well-spent, since the results are visible and permanent.

If you’ve always wanted a slimmer, more sculpted silhouette, SculpSure makes eliminating fat seem like magic — only better, because it’s backed by science. Thankfully, it’s possible to achieve the natural-looking results you desire without an invasive surgery.

To learn more about SculpSure, call our Nashville office or schedule a consultation using the online system.

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